6 Mistakes To Avoid When Build eCommerce Website
April 12, 20195 Mistakes To Avoid When Developing Mobile App For Education Sector
April 12, 2019Mobile App VS Website Development
Companies today are facing the problem of whether developing a mobile app or website. Therefore, we are going to give you some tips on what you need to do first in order to get the most out of these two sources of traffic.
Some people out there are wondering about whether to create a mobile app or a website for their business. Well, the reality is that your business needs both as your customers will use either an app or website to find more information about your company, product or service.
What You Need to Build First
The development of either a mobile app or a website first depends on many factors. You need to understand how your target audience uses their mobile devices and the Internet. Is your mobile app going to simplify their lives? Is a website the best way to reach out to your potential customer first?
OK, there are multiple mobile platforms such as Android and iOS, therefore a responsive website might be the solution to the issue of not knowing which platform to use first. The problem is that developing two mobile apps, one for Android and the other for iOS is both expensive and annoying.
A responsive website will allow your target audience to interact with your brand quickly and easily no matter the platform their mobile devices are based on. Since you will build once and each one of your mobile sources of traffic will be covered, you will be to validate their traffic sources. So integrate analytics with your app or website at this very stage to know how the traffic coming to the site or app is interacting with your product or service. Next once you know which mobile device your target market is using the most, you will be able to develop a native, customized app for them.
Brand Showcase
A website just makes sense when you need to let your target audience know more about your brand, products or services. If you want to kill two birds with just one stone, you will use a mobile responsive site in order to get the attention of surfers using desktops or on the go. A mobile app will help you to engage your target audience even more, which will be a great help for your responsive website. If your mobile app allows your target market to do things quickly while on the go, you will be able to take their user experience to a whole new level of comfort and effectiveness.
The Shift to the Mobile World
You need to understand that mobile apps have some advantages over a website, and this situation goes as follows:
– Ease of access. Since all it takes to go to an app is a tap of the finger, your target audience will have ease of access to your brand, product of service, which in turn will increase their engagement with your brand. They will be very happy with the app as opening and typing in a web address is a thing of the past.
– Mobile optimization. Since mobile apps are optimized for touch screen, a website – even a responsive one – cannot keep up with the capabilities offered by a mobile app to an end user. A mobile app can take full advantage of a mobile device`s audio recognition, GPS, camera, and QR/bar code scanner. Therefore, the app can provide its users ultra engaging and relevant content.
Ok, what is the best strategy after all?
The choice between apps and websites is a matter of business model, design sensibility, traffic/marketing acquisition tactics and how your firm approaches the Web. You should also study how the dominant mobile-web firms are playing the game in order to take advantage of their strategies. However, you need to take into consideration that mobile surfing is in a decline and that mobile app usage is on a raise, so you need to design you online marketing plan by assessing these two important factors.
If you want to take the most out of your mobile app and website, you should start experimenting with both of them. By incorporating analytics into these two virtual properties, you will realize what you should do next in order to increase your market share. Remember that mobile apps will do a better job at enganing your users by taking advantage of the mobile device`s features.