Mobile App VS Website Development
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April 12, 20195 Mistakes To Avoid When Developing Mobile App For Education Sector
In many ways, mobile apps continue to impact positively on our life making it easier and richer. From getting notified of health information to collaborating in the classroom every area of our living today has been a subject of different mobile app that have various features and elements. Today in the mobile industry, there are millions of apps that are in the app stores of mobile platforms. Some of the mobile apps within the market enjoy huge popularity while many are struggling to find number of downloads in order to sustain themselves within the competitive industry. The reason for this is basically because many mobile apps suffer from non-optimized design aspect while many differ in terms of promotion, functionality and launch strategy. Good mobile app design creates a suitable way for better user experience.
Here are 5 mistakes to avoid when developing mobile apps for education sector
1. Developing an app that does not address the user concern
There is nothing so frustrating than a user downloading an app only to realize that it does not meet his or her expectations. When developing a mobile app for education sector, the application should have all the features that will enable the student or any other person within the education sector to access relevant information using his or her mobile. Your mobile app should meet and address almost all user expectations and concerns in order to avoid conflict of interest between your app and the users. One of the aspects that make many mobile apps to lose the user favour is the associated sign-in ordeal that is required in order to access the app content. This is considered as a waste of time and many tend to ignore such applications. For this reason, the mobile app for education sector should be designed in such a way that it allows the user to access the mobile app using social login option
2. Absence of easily detectable visual clues
An app that is well designed contains easily detectable visual clues that help the user to navigate through the app content. A mobile app for education purpose should have graphic icons, navigation figures and signs that will guide the students and teachers through the app thus creating a good user experience. To prevent confusion among users, the mobile app should be designed using the conventional signs and visuals which the users are familiar with. Graphics should also be incorporated in the mobile app in order to guide the user through the application. Finally, all the texts, metaphors and graphic signs used should be coherent with each other in order to avoid giving out confusing information that is irrelevant and contradictory.
5 Mistakes To Avoid When Developing Mobile App For Education Sector
3. Absence of a clear path for the user
A mobile app for education sector can suffer a worse fate if the users on board fail to know how to use and access crucial information from the app. A successful app should have a clear path for accessing the content provided by the application. The path provided by the app should have logical steps to all functionalities and contents within the app. The first priority when designing a mobile app for education sector is to make content easily accessible with easy navigation.
4. Absence of interactive and familiar graphics
Every user within the education sector is looking for an application that has familiar graphics and allows user interaction. A key to a successful app design is by addressing the users’ concern. This can only be achieved by introducing intuitive and interactive graphic elements in the mobile app. The intuitive and graphic elements make the mobile app easier to use, navigate through and drastically reduces the learning curve for a new user. In addition, the mobile apps that are intended for education purpose should be designed using graphic elements that are relevant to the education sector. This will attract many within the sector to download and use them.
5. Unnecessary clutter of features
One common mistake that many new developers make is loading their mobile app with many features and elements that result to unnecessary clutter of apps which limit the functionality of the mobile gadget. For a mobile app designed for learning purpose to succeed within the competitive market, it should have few features that work well. In addition, the user features should be relevant to the target audience. For this reason, it is important to be very careful when choosing features for a mobile app.