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March 29, 2017How Mobile Apps Can Grow Clubs & Pubs Business?
April 12, 2019Why Mobile App Users Are More Loyal Than Mobile Web Users?
There are a lot of mobile apps and mobile websites that are available today. Many business owners want to use both platforms for attracting customers. However, it can be time consuming for them for choosing the best method for advertising their companies. People should choose one of both methods for determining the right promotion tool. Before you choose the best method for promoting your business, you should compare several facts from both methods. You should understand that the mobile app users are usually more loyal than the mobile web users. If you want to have loyal customers, you should consider using the mobile application.
a. Not all mobile sites are user friendly
This is the first reason why the mobile apps are more popular than the mobile sites. Most customers tend to spend some time on the mobile applications. You should know that not all mobile sites are user friendly. There are some complicated procedures that all readers should do. Many customers don’t want to do a lot of efforts for getting access to the mobile websites. Therefore, they are looking for the easy way to gather some information. Because of this reason, many people want to spend more time on the mobile apps rather than mobile sites.
b. Mobile websites only offer information
It is important to know that mobile sites can be used to gather information. Most sites are specially designed to offer information to all users. There is no other significant feature that can be added to the mobile websites. It can be difficult to implement some functions or features on the mobile sites. Not all site builder platforms support the functions or features. This is another reason why many people only visit the mobile sites for several minutes. They don’t spend a lot of time in the mobile sites.
c. More functions on the mobile apps
If you want to increase the customers’ engagement, you should consider using the mobile apps. There are more functions that can be found in the mobile application. Many mobile app developers want to create the best mobile apps by adding some features to these apps. If you want to promote your business to some mobile users, you should create engaging mobile app. Your application should be useful for all users. This is another reason why you should consider using the mobile application for supporting your own business.
d. Most mobile sites have a lot of text or messages
This is another reason why many people don’t want to spend a lot of time on the mobile websites. Most sites usually consist of a lot of messages or text. Many people are bored with a lot of information that they can find on the websites. Most customers usually want to use the mobile app that can give benefits to them. Most mobile applications only have some features and functions without too many messages. People can maximize all benefits from the mobile apps, so they love using the apps more often than the websites.
e. Too many ads on the sites
Most website owners usually install some ads on their mobile sites. These ads can generate significant income for the owners .However, these ads can be disturbing for most readers. Many users don’t want to spend a lot of their time in the mobile site because of this reason. They don’t want to read too many advertisements on their favorite site. Therefore, many customers want to spend their time on the mobile apps. Most apps have some ads that can be hidden from the apps. It is not difficult to hide the advertisements from the mobile application.
They are some reasons why many customers want to spend their time on the mobile users. If you are a business owner, you should take a look at this fact. You should know that mobile app can give more effective result than the mobile website. It means that you need to create mobile app for promoting your business. You can contact some app developers who can create the best app for your business. Make sure that you add some features or benefits on your app. Your customers will be happy when they are able to use your application for their purposes.